lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2012

Radical Vicente Todolí, former Director at Tate Modern London

I did not want to skip the opportunity to bring this short paragraph up. Yesterday I run into these lines (in Spanish) while reading El Pais weekly magazine, they are part of a long article on Vicente Todolí, a guy from Valencia who, at his professional pinnacle, was the Director of Tate Modern London. I want you guys to isolate the very meaning of the words and try to implement them to this particular messy time we are living in.

" Fue una decisión radical. Radical, esa es la palabra que más usa. Para referirse a la decisión que tomó para dejar todo aquello -las reuniones, los compromisos, las conversaciones sin sustancia, "las majaderías, la cháchara"- y para decir qué piensa hacer conla vida que tiene por delante. 
"Si no eres radical te comen por los pies. Tienes que ponerte a ti mismo condiciones radicales, y debes cumplirlas radicalmente. Estar aquí arriba es una de esas condiciones".

Vicente Todolí currently lives in a small stone cottage in the upland mountains of Alicante (Spain). He himself build the house with his father´s help. He was fed up with the vacuum atmosphere and life in a megacity.

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